
The language of the Universe seems to be geometry...

The basic language of the Universe is mathematics. Not complicated mathematics. Simple one. In fact there is no complex mathematics because mathematics are the language of the Universe and the Universe is a simple, beautiful, intelligent entity.
And it seems that mathematics is geometry.

So is geometry God?


a real ship that only a few can capture?




A technique to manifest the reality you desire...

So physical reality is as malleable as your thoughts...
Definitively yes. At least I believe so.

We are shifting to a world where thoughts create literally the physical reality because thoughts are energy and the physical reality is just energy.
Energy modifies energy....

This can be felt in the law of attraction for example. But there is much more than the law of attraction that by the way I discovered in the movie "the Secret" 3 years ago.
Really, thoughts are a very powerful technology. In fact the most powerful one, I believe.

Take a look at this repost of the article that I found here, on the 2012scenario blog...

Tom Kenyon: The Sphere of All Possibilities

2012 August 29
Posted by Vina

The Sphere of All Possibilities

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
August 2012

In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other dimensions of your being.
This method is based on a fundamental understanding regarding geometry and the nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We wish to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.
The first thing to understand about manifesting is that for every act there is a counter-action. This is due to the nature of duality until you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness in which duality no longer exists. Since this method is for manifesting new realities in your 3-D life, duality is a factor.
Another important aspect to understand is the admonition to do no harm. This principle is to protect you from negative consequences, and the simplest way to state this is that your creations should do no harm to yourself or to another.
Due to the nature of this material we will be giving the information in three parts. 
This first portion deals with the geometry of manifestation.
The second will deal with non-dual states of consciousness and how to commune with these higher realms of your being.
These two parts of the information will be completed by the first of October of this year. This is in preparation for a World Sound Meditation that will take place on Sunday, November 4th during a Hathor Intensive titled The Art of Seeding New Realities.
The third portion of this information involves the union of non-dual states of consciousness with the mastery of creating outcomes in time and space. This unifying body of knowledge will be imparted before December 1st of this year.
You are standing collectively and individually at a cosmic crossroads. The alignment on December 21, 2012 heralds a passage into a new vibratory reality. For the record, we do not believe that the world will end on this date. However, the world, as you have known it, is changing.
The information we are giving here in this message is meant to assist you in manifesting new realities for yourself and for humanity. This method greatly accelerates the manifesting process, and since time, as you perceive it, is speeding up we believe a method that works quickly will be of great benefit.
The Method
In this method you use one of your chakras as a focal point for directing your intention. Indeed, from the standpoint of manifesting, the secret lies in the union of intention, consciousness and energy.
Generally speaking most people will find the greatest results from using the solar plexus, which is associated with will and personal power, as the focal point for energy.
We also encourage you to experiment with the other chakras, including the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown. Most people find that manifesting new realities from the crown chakra is inherently paradoxical, since at this location consciousness views all phenomena as illusory and there is a tendency to transcend all phenomena, thus there is no inherent desire to create anything when working from that chakra.
For our purpose, which is to manifest outcomes in your 3-D reality, most people will find the solar plexus to be the most effective.
With your awareness in your solar plexus—which is located back behind the pit of your stomach—you imagine a sphere, or ball, the size of the universe around you, the center of which is your solar plexus. When you imagine this ball, this sphere, realize that there are an infinite number of points at the surface of the sphere and that you are activating what we call the Sphere of All Possibilities.
The difficulty in manifesting new realities is the human tendency to believe that the current reality is all there is. There is a tendency to “lock down” perception and to follow the path that has been laid out for you through your own perception and the conditioning of outside forces. By imagining a sphere of infinite possibilities you create a crack, if you will, in the egg of your perception. New possibilities and new realities become probable.
The next step is to imagine yourself in the future living in the reality that you have chosen. If you are choosing to manifest an object or a situation, you imagine yourself in the future having this object or situation. If it is a quality or an ability in yourself you are wishing to manifest, you imagine yourself possessing this quality or ability in the future.
Place this imaginary Future Self in front of you at a distance that feels comfortable. Most people will find this area, this distance, to be ten to thirty feet, but however close or far away you place this Future Self, is immaterial. Place it in a zone that feels comfortable to you.
Next, imagine a straight line running from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of this Future Self. As you hold this alignment from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, you call uponthe Sphere of Infinite Possibilities to energize your intention through silent intent.
By silent intent we mean a movement of your will. There is no need to say anything out loud or even silently. There is no need for words. This is not an affirmation.
It is the movement of your personal will that causes cosmic forces to align with your intent.
It comes from the knowledge and the expectation that all possibilities are available to you by the very nature of your consciousness.
Thus, as you sense your Future Self in front of you and you are aware of the line from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self, you simply move your will. By moving your will we are not implying that it goes anywhere. It is like a stationary generator that starts to spin, drawing in the energies from the surface of the Sphere. This silent movement of your will needs no words. It is simply both an intention and an expectation that the Sphere of All Possibilities sends to you these lines of energy, these new possibilities, through the simple act of aligning yourself with your Future Self (the one who is living the manifest reality you wish to create).
As you do this, many points of light along the surface of the Sphere will emanate energies that align with your intention, and there will be lines of force between these points of light on the surface of the Sphere and your solar plexus. There may be dozens or thousands of lines from the surface of the Sphere to your solar plexus. The increase of energy will then flow along the line that you have created to your Future Self.
This will energize the new reality. This Future Self then becomes what we call a “magnetic attractor.” As you continue to work with this each day you increase the magnetic attraction of your Future Self. The result of this is multi-dimensional. For one, you begin to create new neurological networks in your brain that will allow you to manifest this new reality through your neurology. This magnetic attractor will also increase serendipity, drawing to you unexpected persons, situations and opportunities that will accelerate the manifesting of this reality.
Amplification of the Magnetic Attractor/Future Self
You can accelerate and amplify the manifesting of this new reality in your life if you add the element of appreciation to your manifesting action. By this we mean for you to add the feeling of appreciation for the future reality when you sense the flow of energy from your solar plexus into the solar plexus of your Future Self. As you experience yourself in the future, living this reality (that you are creating), you experience appreciation for having that in your life. The addition of appreciation in the matrix of creation is a powerful amplifier for your intent.
The topic of appreciation and the act of creation is a very rich one, and it is something we hope to explore in the future, but it is too complex to go into here.
Suffice it to say that in terms of human consciousness the two most powerful catalysts for imprinting neurological realities and the creation of new external realities is either through fear or love. Within your collective humanity fear has been, and continues to be, used as a means to control and to direct present and future outcomes. Love, or in this case appreciation, is also a powerful means for creating external realities. This duality, as it has expressed itself in your collective history, is indeed a territory worth exploring.
We now wish to turn our attention to an advanced stage of the method. If you are unable to engage the advanced technique, do not worry about it. The basic method is a very rapid means for creating outcomes. It is simply that the advanced technique accelerates this process even further.
If you work with the basic technique long enough you will gain the mastery required to engage the advanced technique.
There is one last stage we wish to bring to your attention before discussing the advanced technique. This crucial stage is required for both the basic and the advanced technique. It is simple, and yet simplicity often eludes humans.
You must do something in the realm you wish to manifest. You must take an action. If it is something in your 3-D life you wish to change then after you have worked with the method you do something—take an action in your life that is aligned with the outcome you wish to create. Perhaps it involves gaining information about what you are wanting, or perhaps it is actually changing how you do things in your life to align with the reality you wish to create.
If it is something in another realm of consciousness then you must take the action in that realm. We will address how you do this in some future message, but not now. The fundamental truth is that in order to create a new reality in any realm of consciousness or existence you must take an action in that realm.
The Advanced Technique
After you have energized your Future Self as described above, you shift your self-identity from your current self to your Future Self. This means that you move your awareness, or a part of your awareness to be more exact, from your physical body into the body of your Future Self. You are now experiencing embodiment in your future reality. As you sense yourself fully embodying this reality, you “look” back at your physical body from the vantage point of the future. As you accomplish this task you will sense an oscillation or a vibration as the two realities converge. It is as if waves of energy from your Future Self, which you are now identified with, collide with the waves of your present self, which you are not identified with in this moment.
The energetic point where the waves from the future collide with the waves of your present creates a void point (or more accurately a “void region”), and it is through this void point (region) that your present reality can rapidly shift into your future reality. For all intents and purposes you will have jumped timelines.
We strongly suggest that you read a previous message we have given, called The Art of Jumping Timelines to create a greater context for the advanced technique. While this method can be used for personal desires, we are sharing it in the hope that you will use it during the World Meditation on November 4, 2012 to seed new benevolent realities for humanity.
Preparatory instructions for those who wish to participate in the World Meditation—from wherever they may be physically located on the first Sunday of November 2012—will be posted by October 1st.
You are seed planters of new realities, whether you like it or not, whether you are conscious of it or not. Our intent in sharing this information is to increase the probability of a benevolent future for humanity. For those of you who choose to join us in the World Meditation, either in person at the workshop in Seattle, or at a distance, we ask that you experiment with this method before the event. Choose something in your life you wish to change. Use the method every day.
Once a day is all that is required. Test it. See how it works. Understand from direct experience how effective this method is. You will then be able to step up in service to humanity, having mastered this method. We are calling upon those of you disciplined enough to step up to this level of mastery.
The Hathors
August 19, 2012

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
I find the Sphere of All Possibilities to be a fascinating mental construct. And ever since my mentors started teaching me the technique (about a week before giving the message), I have been working with it intensely.
I think the message is fairly self-explanatory, but I would like to expand on a few points regarding the method.
In the basic technique, you imagine a Sphere the size of the universe around you with your solar plexus at the center point of the Sphere. For those of you who visualize, this should be quite easy to imagine. For those of you who don’t visualize, don’t concern yourself with visual images. Imagine and sense the Sphere and the infinite points of light on its surface through whatever sensory modality you are comfortable with.
For some people this means that they will have a felt-sense of the Sphere and the points of light. For others, an inner voice will describe to them the Sphere and the points of light. Some people will experience the Sphere in more than one sensory modality, i.e., seeing it and having a felt-sense of it, etc.
The important point, here, is to engage the sensory modality/modalities you use naturally and not waste your time trying to “see” the Sphere, the points of light or your Future Self.
Another point has to do with the size of the Sphere. The Hathors are suggesting a Sphere the size of the universe so that you can draw in subtle energies from all aspects of cosmos.
This is an interesting idea since some physicists have proposed that the universe may be infinite in size. The current measurements of the observable universe place its radius at around 46 billion light years. This is a huge volume of space that, in all practicality, is probably inconceivable to most of us. When I went to my mentors to ask them about this challenge to perception, they said…
“Reality is far vaster than your ability to conceive; nevertheless, operating as if you can, in fact, expand your mental perception to infinity has distinct benefits in terms of multidimensional awareness/evolution.”
In other words, do your best to conceive of yourself inside a really, really BIG space, one that encompasses as much of the universe as you are capable of conceiving.
Some people are uncomfortable with creating large mental expanses of space. If you are one of these persons, don’t worry about it—just make the Sphere smaller—as small as you wish as long as you are completely surrounded by the Sphere.
As a human being (with multidimensional aspects) you have the intrinsic ability to engage the full potential of the Sphere of All Possibilities. But the successful engaging of the Sphere depends upon two indispensable mental attitudes: your intention and expectation.
In other words, you must have a clear idea about the new reality (i.e., outcome) you wish to bring into your life. Without specificity you cannot engage your powers of intention. Be specific and clear about what it is you wish to bring into manifest reality.
The Hathors also mentioned that whenever an outcome is created in a dualistic universe, there are counter-reactions to the new creation. The more drastic the change in the new reality, the more drastic the reactions can be. Be aware of this.
The Hathors strongly suggest that you create outcomes that are harmless to yourself and others. This is to protect you (and others) from mis-creations.
You must also be clear that you have both the ability and the right to bring multidimensional assistance to you as you create new realities. This type of expectation is crucial to the download of energy from the Sphere into your solar plexus.
Advanced practitioners who work with subtle energy will have no problem with this. If you are one of these, you will take to this “like a duck takes to water” as the saying goes. But if you are not experienced with the nature of subtle energy and its relationship to intent, then this might be a stumbling block.
The Hathors contend that the Sphere of All Possibilities accesses multidimensional possibilities, and the method is a means for you to tap into this multi-faceted reality.
Many, if not most of us, think of creating a new reality (outcome) for ourselves in a linear fashion. It is like our life unfolds solely along a straight line, and we do specific things along our 3D timeline that contribute to what we wish to create.
But the Hathors are saying in addition to working in the ways we are used to, we can draw from multidimensional possibilities. These new possibilities, which exist in potential (but not yet in 3D reality) can energize our desired outcome and bring it into manifestation at a faster rate than if we just plod along doing the usual 3D things we do to make things happen.
Once you form the clear intention of what it is you wish to create, you place your awareness in your solar plexus and imagine a version of yourself in the future. You then sense a line between your solar plexus and the solar plexus of your Future Self. This line will become the conduit for multidimensional energies and will allow you to turn your imagined Future Self into a magnetic attractor, bringing the outcome you wish to create into reality at a much faster rate.
The Hathors are very clear that working with this method once a day will greatly decrease the time required for manifesting a new reality. I have personally found that it only takes 5 minutes to go through the entire process, which makes this a very time-efficient method.
The Hathors also emphasize the fact that you need to do something that expresses that future reality. In other words, do something in 3D that is oriented to your desired outcome. Using the method without actually doing something in the outer reality of your life is much less effective than engaging both your inner and outer worlds.
Although the Hathors’ discussion of the method is clear and to the point, I will lay it out step by step for those who still have questions about it. If you are clear on the steps involved, feel free to jump down to the Advanced Technique section where I discuss some of the finer points regarding the topic.
The Basic Technique
Step 1: Be clear on the specifics of what you wish to create. This will form the foundation for the Future Self that you will be creating. There is power in the details, so be specific.
Step 2: Place your awareness in your solar plexus, located back behind the pit of your stomach.
Step 3: Imagine yourself inside a Sphere that is the size of the universe (or smaller if you are uncomfortable with such an expanded sense of space). Your solar plexus sits in the exact center of this Sphere.
Step 4: Imagine your Future Self in front of you. For most people this will be 10 – 30 feet (or about 3+ – 9+ meters) away, but place this Self as close or as far away as feels right to you. This imagined Future Self is the “you” that will be experiencing the outcome you wish to create. It is the embodiment of that future reality. Once you have a clear sense of this imagined Future Self, you are ready to move to step 5.
Step 5: Imagine a line that runs from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self.
Step 6: Set into action the download of energy from the Sphere of All Possibilities into your solar plexus. From here the energy flows outward to the solar plexus of your Future Self. The download starts as soon as you realize that the Sphere of All Possibilities is available to you by virtue of your existence as a multidimensional human being. You then activate the Sphere through an act of silent intent.
Step 7: For as long as you are comfortable with the experience, allow the Sphere to download energies into your solar plexus and into the solar plexus of your Future Self.
Step 8: If you feel so inclined, add the feeling of appreciation to the experience in order to amplify the magnetic attractor that is your Future Self.
Note: It is normal for most people’s mental attention to wander during this type of energy work. If and when your focus of attention wanders off, gently bring it back to the area you were working with. No judgment, no impatience, just bring yourself back to the task at hand.
Step 9: When you are complete, take a few minutes to just be with yourself after going through this. It is best to be in silence during this time so that you can integrate the subtle energies that have been released through the process.
The Advanced Technique
I find this portion of the method to be the most intriguing. Perhaps this is because I can feel the collision of two waveforms during the final phase. It is as if the standing waves of my current reality overlap with the standing waves of my Future Self. The collision of these two waves does, indeed, create a void point or as the Hathor clarified—a void region.  This area of waveform interactions seems to me to be a potent transformational matrix.
In addition, the download of energies and potentialities from the Sphere seems much more intense to me during the Advanced technique.
Finally, I have found an interesting anomaly around the spatial shift that the Hathors propose during the final stages of the technique. You might encounter a similar phenomenon, which is why I am mentioning it.
At first, I found it somewhat disorienting to “look” back at my present self from the vantage point and spatial perspective of my Future Self. Eventually I was able to make the shift, and when this occurred the energetics from the Sphere went off the charts. The experience became very intense, and I could feel potently charged waves of energy flowing to my present self from my Future Self.
When I flipped fully into a sense of being embodied in my Future Self rather than my present self, the energetics reached their highest point. When the energy got too intense for my comfort zone I would spontaneously “pop out” of my Future Self back to my present self. And in those moments of reintegration back into my present self, it felt like my body was being flooded with endorphins and the entire experience seemed oddly amusing. I think that this amusement may due to the strong mental impression that the entire world, including me, is more dream-like than real and that all forms (including physical bodies) are both ephemeral and subject to alteration in the blink of an eye.
Using Music
There is no need to use music as a background when doing this process. I have experimented with both, and I do find that certain types of music can help to generate a deeper experience. Having said that I find that most of the time I prefer silence to do the process. It is a matter of taste and neurological receptivity as to whether you will find sound/music a helpful ally in this or not.
If you choose to use music as a background I would suggest something that makes you feel inclined to turn your attention inward, and if it is psychoacoustic in nature, something that at least generates an increase in alpha activity. I also suggest you play your music at low volume so as not to overpower your inner experience.
Since some people will want to know what of my music I would suggest, I will save you and me some time and just put it out there. My current favorite compositions (of mine) that I like to use with the Sphere of All Possibilities are either Infinite Pool: Entering the Holographic Brain or Lightship.

© 2012 Tom Kenyon  All Rights Reserved   www.tomkenyon.com
You may make and distribute copies of this message in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. You may not, however, use my music with any video, graphics, meditation or copy placed over it. You may not post my music on You Tube or any such media. The message itself may be copied and shared, but not my music. I hold copyright on all my music, and it may not be used, distributed, or copied in anyway in any medium.



Two Alien Lifeforms Next To Mount Sharp? 2012 HD

Young lady in Germany fears she will be sacrificed during August 31 full blue moon ceremony

This is a repost from Benjamin Fulford's blog. Let us save her using our collective consciousness.
Young lady in Germany fears she will be sacrificed during August 31 full blue moon ceremony

Nigina Shokoor, a 25-year old woman living in Munich, Germany, is fearing for her life after a family friend “who belongs to the Mafia” told her she had been chosen to be a human sacrifice at an upcoming Satanic Ritual.
Shokoor says she will die in six days, a date which coincides with the full moon on August 31st. This full moon is of special significance to occult secret societies because it is a blue moon; the second full moon during the same month.
She originally asked this writer to contact Nicholas Windsor, a British royal family member who converted to Catholicism, because the mafia friend told her he was the only person who could help her. Windsor would not respond when contacted by this writer.
Shokoor asked this writer to provide her with protection from the White Dragon Society. The best we can do is ask people to notify the police in Munich, Germany that Nigina Shokoor, of 185 Hesenstr, Gievenbech, Munster is clearly scared and is seeking help.
By publishing her story in advance we hope to prevent a tragedy.



Bush seems to be a kind of cyborg...

Watch from 1:54...We can hear a radio telling him what to say, which explaining those strange pauses.


China Begins Its Own Process of Disclosure

This is repost of the post found on the 2012Scenario blog.
Photographer Wu Chunyan snapped this unidentified flying object in Fenghuang Mountain near Harbin, Heilongjiang province in early July. Provided to China Daily

China Begins Its Own Process of Disclosure

Thanks to Allen.
Stephen: Bit by bit. Piece by piece. News story by news story…that’s how Disclosure is currently unfolding. And it seems China may be taking the lead.
We heard Archangel Michael speak this week of China as follows: ” The aura of China is magenta, and it speaks to compassion. It speaks to bridges and awareness. It speaks to the future.
“This is not about China ever gaining or becoming the pre-eminent power. This is — yes, as Quan Yin would say — awakening the dragon, for there is nothing more glorious than the goddess riding the dragon. But the awakening of the dragon is the awakening of the people, and it is the awakening deep within them that they know their truth, they know their capacity to create.”
Judging by stories like this below China is indeed creating a ‘bridge’  and awakening the truth for billions of people worldwide – for it is not just the Chinese who are now able to read their stories. And the Chinese media may not now be as ‘controlled’ as the media in other countries, it seems…

Watch This Space as Close Encounters May Occur

Rumors of UFO sightings and aliens visiting this planet seem to be increasing…
By Cui Jia and Wu Wencong in Beijing, China Daily – August 23, 2012
After 17 years of hard work, Xiang Kuansong has finally completed the “alien research station” he has been building in his village in Mayang county, Hunan province.
The 79-year-old said he was told to build it by two beings from another planet.
“Don’t be afraid. We are not ghosts or god. We are people from another planet who want to help you,” the aliens allegedly told Xiang in Chinese.
Xiang’s research station has none of the radio dishes and high-tech equipment that are usually associated with the search for extraterrestrial life. In fact, it looks more like a traditional Chinese temple, with a sign at the entrance that reads: “The harmonious way to a foreign planet”.
The retired soldier said he first met the two aliens from the planet of “Dongsheng” in the late 1980s. They are about 1.95 meters tall and visit him quite often, wearing clothes that make them invisible but he can see them and communicate with them. The two “Dongshengians” asked him to build the station so they could have a place to rest during their trips to other planets, and so far he has spent 200,000 yuan ($31,470) on their way station.
Inside there is a concrete model of a saucerlike spaceship, and stone tablets marking the spots where Xiang says the aliens talked to him are scattered around the compound.
Although the other villagers believe Xiang is crazy, he just smiles and ignores their taunts.
UFO detectives
But even some of those who believe that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe pour scorn on those who claim to have been visited by aliens.
“I always turn my back on people who claim that they have seen aliens. Most of them have mental health problems,” said Zhou Xiaoqiang, secretary-general of the Beijing UFO Research Organization, which was founded in 1983 and now has more than 100 members.
A model of an alien attracts visitors at a recent exhibition featuring space science in Beijing. An increasing number of UFO sightings have been reported in China since 2011. Kuang Linhua / for China Daily
“If aliens visited earth, it doesn’t make sense they would not make themselves known to all of us. These stories of meeting aliens are just unbelievable,’ he said.
An increasing number of UFO sighting have been reported in China since 2011, but according to Zhou, such sightings are fueled by the media.
“People read about mysterious things or see television reports about such things and it fires their imagination,” he said.
“The media have been reporting supposed UFO sightings for the past three or four years and they always mystify the incidents to grab people’s attention. Meanwhile, people have become more interested in unsolved phonomena – I think it has something to do with the 2012 end of the world theory,” said Zhou, who has been studying UFO sightings for more than 20 years.
Also, some people still try to manipulate others by claiming they are in contact with aliens, he said. “In the old days, such people would say that they could see and talk to ghosts. Nowadays, its aliens.”
Zhou said the mission of his team is to simply identify what it is people have seen when there has been a UFO sighting.
“We investigate the circumstances and analyze the evidence. We are more like detectives,” he said.
The Beijing UFO Research Organization has received 14 detailed reports of UFO sightings in Beijing so far this year. All of them have been identified as kites with lights, aircraft or insects.
According to Zhou, the majority of UFO sightings are reported during public holidays in big cities or scenic spots.
China’s Roswell
Zhu Jin, curator of the Beijing Planetarium, also believes intelligent life probably does exist elsewhere in the universe, but says that most “sightings” of UFOs have nothing to do with aliens from another planet.
“Chinese people love to associate UFOs with alien spaceships. But all UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, man-made objects, illusions or hoaxes. Aliens might not even need a spaceship to travel to earth.”
In the most recent UFO sighting to grab the public’s attention, Li Hui told the media of the UFO she saw at Fenghuang Mountain, a scenic spot in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province.
On the afternoon of July 8, Li, a local tourist, claimed she had seen a flying object faintly glowing on the opposite mountain when she finished posing for photos at one of the viewing platforms. She said the object had already disappeared when she took off her sunglasses for a clearer view, but its image had been caught on camera.
Most media showed a cropped version of the photo, which showed a glowing oval with two bright “wings”. But the original photo, which was obtained by a reporter from Harbin Daily, shows that Li is the subject of the photo and the “glowing” object is on the left side of the photo.
On July 13, five days after the incident, Xi Wang, a doctoral candidate in bioscience at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, posted a photo of a hoverfly, which was clearly similar to Li’s UFO.
Xi told China Daily that considering her major and personal interests, she is very familiar with the flying posture of the insect.
“It looks more like sensationalizing the scenic spot to me,” said Xi. “I understand UFO fans’ enthusiasm, and personally I also believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life in such a big universe, but we need to investigate and analyze every incident carefully before coming to a conclusion.”
Other netizens also pointed out that judging from the size of the object in the photo, if it really was an alien spaceship more people would have noticed it as it would have been about 1 kilometer long.
But despite all the doubts, UFO researchers and enthusiasts rushed to Fenghuang Mountain, because this is not the first time the mountain has been linked with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. It is known as China’s Roswell because of the many UFO sightings that have been reported there.
Loving the alien
A youngster faces up to the possibility of extraterrestrial life at the Beijing exhibition. Kuang Linhua / for China Daily
In June 1994, a local farmer claimed he had seen a shining white “metal monster” when he was out picking wild plants on the mountain. Meng Zhaoguo became famous throughout the country after he claimed he’d had sex with a female alien three times. Once at the landing site and twice at his house the same night. The alien then told him that she would have his child once she returned to her planet.
Meng, now 45, later told local governmental officials that about a month after his amorous adventures with the alien, he was invited to her spacecraft, where a male extraterrestrial spoke to him in his dialect.
“Sixty years from now, the son of a farmer from the Earth will be born on our planet,” the alien told him.
Since then the mountain has been a popular destination for UFO enthusiasts.
“There is nothing wrong with using UFO sightings to attract tourists. It might even be a good thing because it might make people more interested in exploring the unknown,” said Zhou Xiaoqiang of the Beijing UFO Research Organization.
But Wang Sichao, a scientist at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, which is run by Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that people should not be so quick to dismiss all sightings of UFOs as illusions or publicity ploys. He believes that there have been more than a dozen genuine sightings of alien spacecraft in China.
He files unexplained UFO sightings into two categories: those that lack details, so that it is difficult to say what they really are, and those that are detailed, but they still can’t be explained. These, he says, could be genuine sightings of alien spaceships.
“People should not underestimate the power of aliens. Although there is no evidence that they are harmful to people,” he said.


Laura Eisenhower on 2012 | Extraordinary Year July 25, 2012


Mars seems to be inhabited...

Very interesting and compelling presentation entitled "the discovery of life on Mars" made by Andrew Besiago.


Fulford on the real James Bond.

This is a repost of this post found on American Kabuki.

Benjamin Fulford – Extra Update

Obiturary : Dr. Michael Van De Meer, AKA Dr. Michael Meiring, AKA??? The Real James Bond 

August 22, 2012

The fictional character James Bond does not hold a candle to the real McCoy, the man I knew as Dr. Michael Van de Meer. In one of his rare moments of immodesty, Dr. Van de Meer once told me that “what James Bond does is rather tame compared to what I have done.” This man was unique and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

When I first met him in person, he showed me an attaché case containing an Uzi and 7 passports, all real and all with his photo on them. The attaché case had a bullet proof lining. While I was visiting him in the Philippines somebody tried to kill him by dumping large amounts of insecticide into the ventilating system of his hotel room. This was apparently not an unusual sort of occurrence for him. In any case, I was privileged to get, through him, a glimpse at the reality of top of world espionage and intrigue. To him CIA stood for Christ In Action.

Dr. Van de Meer used to go by the name Dr. Michael Meiring until he had both his legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by people working for his arch-enemy George Bush Senior, the head of the Nazi Odessa group.

Although Dr. Van de Meer was very reluctant to discuss his past, every once in a while he would release little nuggets of information about his extraordinary life. He said he grew up in a castle near the ancestral home of Sir Francis Drake. He also once let slip that he was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth and Evelyn de Rothschild, who he described as “not very nice people.”

His father, he claims, was a senior official in the British Raj, who worked with Mohandas Gandhi. My own research has led me to believe he at one point held the hereditary title of Lord Mountbatten, something he always denied.

What I learned through him is that when the British overlords left India, they took with them all the historical gold and treasure they could get their hands on. This gold was then allocated to a fund meant to be used for the benefit of the planet earth and its people. Many other nations and groups also allocated their historical treasures to this fund.

When a group of Nazis and fascists murdered President John F. Kennedy and started illegally using this money to finance their project for a fascist “New World Order,” Dr. Van de Meer set out to stop them.

The early James Bond movies are based in part of Van de Meer’s battle against them. The cat-petting villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who featured in the original James Bond films written by Ian Fleming, was based on Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, according to MI5 sources. Canaris was not executed during World War 2 for trying to assassinate Hitler and in fact became head of the Nazi Odessa underground after World War 2. It was Van de Meer and his team’s battles against Canaris and his group that formed the basis of the original James Bond novels. Van de Meer himself appears briefly as a young British businessman in the movie Thunderball. Canaris was eventually defeated by Van de Meer only to be replaced by George Bush Senior as the head of Odessa.

Of course Dr. Van de Meer admits he was no angel and he had one huge regret in his life. When he was a young medical doctor in the 1950’s he was sent to Africa to work with Dr. Jonas Salk, a man known to us as the developer of the Polio vaccine. According to Dr. Van de Meer, who then went by the name of Dr. Michael Meiring, Salk and his team killed over 200,000 African green monkeys and sent their blood to the US (Nazi) biological weapons facility at Ft. Detrick.

He found out the blood was being used to develop a disease aimed at depopulating Africa. It is now known as HIV or AIDS.

From that point on his career is something of a mystery. He once told me though of a narrow escape in the Congo where he was forced to confront mass murdering gun-men after crossing a Congo river filled with “hundreds of thousands of bloated dead bodies.”

After his time in Africa, Van de Meer spent 20 years in Asia, mostly the Philippines, researching the mystery of the missing “Yamashita gold” that imperial Japan stashed there during World War 2. He was one of the primary sources for the book “Gold Warriors,” written by Sterling Seagrave.

What Van de Meer learned was that much of the world’s historical gold was being plundered by Nazis. He set out to stop them and that was when Canaris disciple Bush bombed him.

Here is testimony of that event by a good friend of Dr. Michael’s:

The Dr. Michael I met was a neatly-dressed, well-groomed, gentleman, who moved with the power of a body-builder, the grace of a dancer, and the confidence of a man accustomed to command.  Strikingly handsome, with sky-blue eyes that held one’s attention, he spoke with a high British accent.

Dr. Michael was a man on mission.  Once, he opened the Bible that was always near his bed, turning to a passage where God said he would reveal all the hidden wealth in the world, and restore it to the people.  Dr. Michael told me that God had commissioned him to fulfill that promise, to relieve poverty, to renew the land, and to restore Creation to its intended state. In nearly every conversation with me, Dr. Michael found an opportunity to affirm his commitment to returning to the poor and oppressed that which had been taken from them.  He was passionate about building a world network of teaching hospitals and vocational education centers, and engaged in an unrelenting search for the necessary resources. At age sixty-four he would bound up four stories of stairway to his room, with no accelerated breathing.

After breakfast one fateful day, we parted ways.  Dr. Michael, formally attired in a 3-piece suit, went to a meeting, while I took care of business related to the rural youth center I was building.  We agreed to meet again an hour later, to discuss a rural development proposal that had been handed to Dr. Michael.

Less than an hour later, I was stepping out of my room when I heard the explosion. I ran down the hall, turning two corners, and arriving at Dr. Michael’s room within seconds.  Heavy black smoke and extreme heat were pouring out of his door.  Two streams of blood led me away from his door and down the stairway.  Several flights down I saw two men dragging the corners of a bed sheet in which the body was wrapped. On the street a red pickup truck was waiting, into which the body was dumped.  As the body fell out of the sheet, the Dr. Michael I saw looked absolutely like a well-burned road kill, with limbs twisted at impossible angles.  The pickup truck sped off through the heavy traffic, and out of sight.

A few hours later, after initial surgery, the attending plastic surgeon met me in the hall at Doctor’s Hospital, Davao’s finest.  The surgeon informed me that the patient had sustained third-degree burns, much of it full-thickness, over forty-eight percent of his body, had severe burns of his mouth and throat, had inhaled and ingested flame-retarding chemicals,  had lost the lower portion of both legs,  and would probably lose his left arm.  The damage was far beyond the threshold for human survival.  That the patient still lived was miraculous, he said, but the attending physicians had no expectation that he would survive much longer.

When Dr. Michael was returned to his room, he was wrapped in gauze from top to bottom, with only a space for pulmonary and stomach tubes, and just his right ear, arm and hand free (Think “The Invisible Man”!).  He immediately signaled with his free hand that he wished to write.  I put a pen in his hand and held a legal pad on which he scribbled, “Better to be a live dog than a dead lion!”  Over those difficult days, by writing humor and showing a personal interest in each person attending him, he kept everyone in his environment in a positive attitude. Dr. Michael wrote instructions to his attending physicians, many quite unconventional, but all exhibiting a deep knowledge of trauma medicine. He did not lose consciousness, always refused anesthesia, and never appeared to sleep.  He insisted upon inserting his own breathing and feeding tubes, and dictated his own healing diet.  On the third day, one doctor told me, “We don’t know who he is, but we are learning much from this man.” Although he credited me with saving his life, ultimately it was Dr. Michael himself who was responsible for his survival.

My own connection to Dr. Michael began a few years ago after I survived my own murder attempts by the same group of Nazis. He contacted me through Kerry Cassidy after I appeared on an interview on Project Camelot. He saved my life by telling me that Madame Wu was bad mouthing me to the Triads because she was being blackmailed by George Bush Senior about a slush fund she had illegally accumulated overseas. I later heard that Madame Wu was tortured to death after the Chinese found out about her treason.

In any case, Dr. Van de Meer provided me with an education in the secret world at the very top of the financial system. He also pointed me and Neil Keenan towards the Green Hilton Memorial accord as being the reason for the Kennedy assassination and the historical root of the financial crisis we now face.

The members of Asian secret societies who knew him said that despite his tendency to look down on them, they knew he was, in his heart of hearts, a good man who they wanted to work with.

That is why they approached me and asked me to send $750 billion dollars’ worth of gold backed Kennedy bonds to him. I asked for his snail mail address in order to send him the bonds. It was shortly after he sent me his address that he suddenly died “in his sleep” despite being in robust health and full of plans for the future.

His family refuses to talk about his death and no official autopsy has been made public. We are certain he was murdered and know who was responsible. Rest assured Dr. Michael will not have died in vain. He will be avenged and his dreams of “ending poverty and turning the deserts green” will be realized.

Benjamin Fulford

www.benjaminfulford.typepad.com link to original article



What will happen on the 21st of December this year?

When does the Ascension process begin?
Well I think it has already started.
What will happen on the 21st of December this year?
Well I think nothing in particular will happen, maybe some electromagnetic interferences caused by the huge energy released by the astral alignment but I don't think it be the day of Ascension per se.
However, I believe, as Cobra tells us in this interview done by Stephen Cook 2 months ago that we cannot ascend to 4D and 5D as long as the dark forces are not removed from Earth.
And it is highly likely (at least I hope so) that the dark cabal will have been neutralized by the 21st.
So in that sense, I hope the 21st will be a tremendously important mark for Humanity.
In fact, I believe it will be so.

You can hear what Cobra has to say about the 21st from the 50:00 mark.



In the past we gave away the power to create the future we want but now we are getting it back!

Why does the looking glass tech reveal nothing beyond 2012 December 21st? Because the human collective consciousness has not imagined yet what will happen after that prophetic date. Why? Because we have been hijacked and under control of the dark cabal for a long time and decided not to think about it and surrender to duality.
But now it is time for us to get back the right to create collectively the future we want and this is what we are doing.
I am convinced we will get a world focused on the heart chakra.

You can get some hints in this interview of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower by Lisa Harrison.


Ascension is an ongoing process.

Ascension is a process that does not happen overnight and regards every being on Gaia. It seems that the collective human consciousness has created from a long time ago a time when we will be all connected to each other, vibrating on the heat chakra and I believe this is the process we are in.
Below I have reposted the blog post entitled "The Current Quiet ......" from AmericanKabuki because I believe that it corresponds to my state of mind right now.
Yes indeed there is a kind of break in the process but the process is ongoing and we will make it for sure to the fourth dimension which I believe is physical 3D + a dimension of mutual love and compassion.

The Current "Quiet"......

Image courtesy Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com


The manuscript of survival – part 181
by Aisha North on August 17, 2012.

Let us start off this missive by saying that although things may have felt more quiet than usual these last few days, they have been anything but, as there has been a massive preparation for things to come. In other words, do not be surprised if you all feel the gathering of another storm on the horizon. We know that this will not come as a surprise, as you are all well versed in the ebb and flow of this process by now, but still, there might be a few surprises this time around too.

Let us explain. So far, you have all been subject to individual doses of upgrading energies, and even if this will continue, you will also be witness to a massive injection of energy that will in some ways also touch those that up until now have been unaware that there is something afoot. In other words, not only those already awakened, but also those still slumbering happily away will now be subject to insertions of energy into their system. And this will show itself in many ways, as there are those out there already on the verge of waking up, but also those steadfastly refusing to do so. But now, all will be affected in some way by this, and even if the ”symptoms” to call them that will vary both in intensity and outcome, it will be manifesting in so many ways that it will not go unnoticed. Of course, much will look like the usual outbursts of human behaviour, whether it may be categorized as ”positive” or ”negative”, but after this next round, we think you will find that there will be an even wider gap between the two. In other words, you can expect to see things happening around you that will be magnified in so many ways, so acts of compassion and acts of hatred will be even more pronounced. It is literally like everyone will perceive things just that little bit stronger, so that these actions will be much more noticed than mayhaps before.

Do not expect the whole world to shake the sleep out of their eyes immediately, as this is of course a process that will not happen overnight. But do expect interesting things to happen around you, and also do expect interesting reactions to these happenings. You see, the time has come to shine that light just a little bit stronger, so your actions will also be more noticed, even by bystanders who have seemed to be almost blind and deaf to the world around them. But now, the wake up call will be heard by more ears than yours, so expect to be looked upon by new eyes as the days pass and the light starts to seep out from yours.



The power of bananas.

Repost from this original post.
You'll never look at a banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet. Bananas are high in fiber and three natural sugars -- glucose, sucrose and fructose -- giving them almost magical powers to provide a huge energy boost. Bananas combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness. They can cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes. If you think bananas are just for monkeys, think again.

~ Bananas help overcome depression due high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter

~ Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar

~ Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg cramps by eating a banana

~ Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana

~ Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation

~ Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6

~ Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas

~ High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure, and protect against heart attack and stroke

Eating bananas aids digestion

~ Rich in pectin, bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body

~ Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.

~ Constipated? High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility.

~ Got the runs? Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhea.

~ Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD

~ Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids

Natural cures from a simple banana

~ Eating bananas helps prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption

~ Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.

~ Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease

~ Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness

~ Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation

~ Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana

~ Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day

~ The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan, helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

~ Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal

~ Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place

~ Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine

Oh, and remember -- bananas make great snacks and delicious smoothies. Now you know why monkeys are so happy. Eat a banana!

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE:
http://www.naturalnews.com/Author1686.html You can find her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001364941208&ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23 https://twitter.com/#!/jbbardot23

Source: naturalnews


An intermediary financial system is being prepared...

According to that last post mentioned by AmericanKabuki it seems that the non-aligned nations lead by China, including Japan, are preparing an intermediary financial system based on an international currency backed by Gold.
Below I have reposted the post:

China Launching Gold Backed Global Currency!

By Mark Brander

Sunday, August 12, 2012 17:14

There can be no doubt that the US dollar will soon be history. China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new ‘gold backed’ global currency. This is surely a strategic part of their recent push to sign new trade agreements with Russia, Japan, Chile, Brazil, India, and Iran. The cat is now out of the bag, the US will be given the ‘bums rush’ by the largest trading nations in the world and the dollar will go down in flames. GATA now estimates that 80% of the gold that investors believe they have in allocated accounts is long gone, the majority of it probably wound up in China.

Here is an excerpt from Jim Willie’s ‘Hat Trick Letter’

Jims recent article starts out with…

Many are the events, signals, and telltale clues of a real live actual systemic failure in progress. Until the last several months, such banter was dismissed by the soldiers in the financial arena. But lately, they cannot dismiss the onslaught of evidence, a veritable plethora of ugly symptoms of conditions gone terribly wrong and solutions at best gone awry and at worst never intended in the first place.


China is well along an ambitious plan to recast large gold bars into smaller 1-kg bars on a massive scale. A major event is brewing that will disrupt global trade and assuredly the global banking system. The big gold recast project points to the Chinese preparing for a new system of trade settlement. In the process they must be constructing a foundation for a possible new monetary system based in gold that supports the trade payments. Initally used for trade, it will later be used in banking. The US TBond will be shucked aside. Regard the Chinese project as preliminary to a collapse in the debt-based US Dollar system. The Chinese are removing thousands of metric tons of gold bars from London, New York, and Switzerland. They are recasting the bars, no longer to bear weights in ounces, but rather kilograms. The larger Good Delivery bars are being reduced into 1-kg bars and stored in China. It is not clear whether the recast project is being done entirely in China, as some indication has come that Swiss foundries might be involved, since they have so much experience and capacity.

The story of recasting in London is confirmed by my best source. It seems patently clear that the Chinese are preparing for a new system for trade settlement system, to coincide with a new banking reserve system. They might make a sizeable portion of the new 1-kg bars available for retail investors and wealthy individuals in China. They will discard the toxic US Treasury Bond basis for banking. Two messages are unmistakable. A grand flipped bird (aka FU) is being given to the Western and British system of pounds and ounces and other queer ton measures. But perhaps something bigger is involved. Maybe a formal investigation of tungsten laced bars is being conducted in hidden manner. In early 2010, the issue of tungsten salted bars became a big story, obviously kept hush hush. The trails emanated from Fort Knox, as in pilferage of its inventory. The pathways extended through Panama in other routes known to the contraband crowd, that perverse trade of white powder known on the street as Horse & Blow, or Boy & Girl.

read entire article here..

中丸薫 2012年アセンション


Keshe's release of technology this coming September

It seems that Obama has been coerced to forbid or voluntarily forbid the use of Keshe technology as Keshe explains here.
I have reposted the first page of his explanation below.

(Follow up from: The world peace invitation and release of technology)

Due to the success of the 21 April meeting, the second international presentation for governments and space institutes is being planned for 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Belgium.
In the meeting we brought together representatives of several governments, and the positive changes which the Foundation can bring about have already started.
Because of the nature of our work, we will not release any information about these meetings and the same has been asked of the ambassadors and officials who attended the meeting on the 21st.


Only invited representatives of governments are allowed.  Outside nothing will be seen.  Please, let the guests participate in peace.  Next public event is on 21 September 2012.

Please keep up the information flow to your governments, as this is more effective than just us talking to them. We have seen it work when we inform the governments about our technology and at the same time they know that their public knows what is going on with our discoveries.
Through our release of information and informing governments directly about the capabilities of this technology, we know that two international peace talks have been brought forward, which have been in the news of late.
This technology presented on 21 April will not be shelved, but all efforts will be made to control it.

Important notice
With the presidential decree signed into law by President Obama earlier this week, the use by other governments of the space technologies developed by the Keshe Foundation and others similar has now become a criminal offence.
This means that from this week scientists cannot release their technology to the public or to any governments any more unless it is for use in war and beneficial to Western arms manufacturing nations.
We do not accept such a castration of science and we ask the United States of America's government for clarification of this decree by the White House.
Is this law to silence the Keshe Foundation and other research organizations, or can America bring pressure so that only their technology can be accepted throughout the world?
This presidential decree is against international scientific freedom for development, research and information sharing and this is a gagging order on scientific organizations like ours.
Please inform your press.
        M T Keshe

Follow the discussion in the forum.
More info on the presentation here:

Please Invite your embassy to the presentation

The list below names the countries and territories that have received the invitation for the 6.9.2012 world peace and transfer of technology.
Please do not misuse the e-mail addresses provided, as the integrity of the work of the Foundation depends on our respect for our nation and for others. We are here to unite and not to cause division among each other.
Please do not use any e-mail address unless it is for the contact of your own country.
This way we move in a coherent and correct manner to achieve the goal of transfer of knowledge and the consequent ultimate goal of world peace through the united and peaceful use of the new technology.
M T Keshe
PLEASE NOTE: It's important that you send the invitation yourself, the Kf will send the invitations later !



An example of "vector UFO"...

It seems that this hand-held video taken by a space shuttle crew member shows a "vector" UFO or snow flakes UFO.
Take a look at the 2:30 mark.


New update from Cobra: Second window of opportunity

As I was thinking this morning after waking up about gates of opportunity, here comes an update from Cobra that tells us about a second gate of opportunity after the one in May, this time even more important!
He describes a possible disclosure scenario over the timeframe from april 2012 to november 2013.
He also talks about the complexity of the timelines over the period starting from the 21st of October, Day of Decision to the 21st of December, Day of Contact, via the 22nd of November, the Eleventh Gate.
Humanity is on its way towards Ascension but we need to keep up the good work.
Below I have reposted his blog post from 2012 Portal:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Window of Opportunity 2
Second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is Day of Decision on October 21st. The turning point for that window is the Eleventh Gate of 11:11 on November 22nd. The exit point of that window is Day of the Contact on December 21st. While this window is open, the Source will be sending constant flashes of Light directly to Earth through linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system of AN conversion. On December 21st, AN conversion dimensional translation system will be fully functional on this planet.

This time window is a very probable time frame for the Event. I can give you no guarantees that the Event will happen within this time frame, as we live in free will universe and the war between Light and Dark on this planet is not over yet. However, this Window of Opportunity is exatly that - a great opportunity that we as a collective make this breakthrough.
It is not the time yet to speak about the Day of Decision and Day of the Contact. They may or may not be related to the First Contact.
Eleventh Gate of 11:11 is the final dimensional gate within the doorway of the 11:11. It is a dimensional gateway that accelerates the final completion of duality for this dimensional universe, including planet Earth. You can read more about 11:11 here:
Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is one of the most complex periods in the known history. Also, Sheliak timewave goes to zero at the end of this window and a major Mayan calendar cycle is reset back to zero as well. This means that it will be the most volatile, inpredictable time with greatest potential ever. All the major players are involved and stakes are high. 

This is one possible model how things could develop:




The CFR serves the interest of the Trilateral Commission

The Mexican government is getting prepared for UFO disclosure by the end of 2012.

The Mexican government is getting prepared for disclosing the truth about UFOs.
It seems that the Mayan civilization was basically ruled by a reptilian species coming from outer space.
For example, I believe that the pyramids were constructed based on reptilian, ET technologies.
Take a look at the what AmericanKabuki has to say about it here.


Portal creation LIVE?

It looks like a genuine video and I think it could be a time portal creation indeed.
I have taken that video from this link.


A review of the new Total Recall movie...

This review of "Total Recall 2012" by AmericanKabuki makes me a bit feel like going watch it. In the movie they seem to use a technology that seems advanced compared what we "have" (are forced to use) right now but in fact it is rather sticks and stones compared to what hidden and forbidden tech is already able of.

Total Recall Forgot About Mars

An AK Movie Review
I did an impulse movie tonight.  Total Recall.   Who could forget the  Arnold Schwarzenegger original?  If you expect another jaunt on Mars about a colony planet civilization seeking freedom forgidda 'bout it.  It was deleted from this version of the movie.  Mars has been replaced by Australia.  Well Ayers rock does kind of look like something from Mars I suppose...but it doesn't make an appearance.
The entire plot revolves around two surviving post-apocalyptic nations (oh how I miss the optimistic future in Star Trek! ). The United Federation of Britain (UFB) and The Colony (Australia).  Britain apparently has annexed most of Western Europe after the Rothschilds bankrupted them (I'm reading between the lines) and they're all ruled from London in a kind of Rothschild wet dream. Everything in the movie is rather wet - even Sydney.  Botany Bay seems to have been tiled over with left over Cube Habitats from the 1967 Montreal Expo.  The French probably got tired of them. Seems the Brits have decided to use the Antipodes for their domestic grunt work force, at least those bits they haven't automated yet, the cops are all robots. Just like the ones in Anaheim! Shoot to kill.  Not much humanity needed in that job description.
Now this is where the plot gets kind of weak, they've got levitating and MAG LEV cars, cubical elevators that run on MAG LEV tracks in three dimensions, but they had to drill a hole in the earth to Australia to commute the Aussies back and forth to London in a globe spanning World Tunnel. The can do all this and can't travel through a cheap worm hole?  I know people that create portals with PVC merkavas, a rodin coil and a MP3 player. Did the Brits stick to form and call it the Wunnel? Nope...its called "The Fall".  The implications of that Biblical word is quite obvious. Fallen Brits live in Australia. And they are rebellious. The Mythical Criminal Class.
The Aussie end of the bargain in this Rothschild miasma is like a bad day on Blade Runner, without the Mexicans, flying Japanese Blimps, curbside gene splicers and LA Smog.   The Aussies have their country poisoned by some unnamed poison gas, so they all live in one big city. But what you do expect of Whitehall when it comes to the Prisoners of Mother England?   Some of the plot is the same but to be honest I felt much less sympathetic to Sharon Stone's version of the female villain in the original than I did the femme fatale in this version. Sharon Stone really knows how to play a bitch!  How can you hate Kate Beckinsale? I found her flaws simply patriotic, in a demented British kind of way.  She's a good Tory and she's just doing her job for Queen and Country.  Probably on the same steroids Thatcher used anyway - and you know how militant Maggie got until she bollocks'ed her career with that damn poll tax. (Ssshhh...don't mention poll taxes to Romney! He'll make poor people pay the same property tax as rich people....)
This movie is laced with symbolic references to the Cabal, including the UFB national logo, a Zionist Star with an extra triangle overlaying it. Perhaps the additional triangle is the one eyed pyramid? Someone has mined the Internet for information!  Heavy mention of resistance against the UBF while the UBF is busy doing false flag attacks.  Symbol hunters will have a field day with this movie, can't wait till David Icke gives it a go. I predict this movie will be panned by critics. 
Its not really that bad of a movie, I'd go see it just for the SciFi imagery and symbolism.  I hate the strobe lights at the beginning. That's a cheap trick to cover a bad set. I hated that same technique in the Alien movie by Ridley Scott.  Total Recall 2012 is a mash-up of many Sci Fi movies.  You'll find yourself counting them.
I thought for a minute they were going to reprise the Fat Lady with the dividing head in Australian Customs, but the director did a fake off homage on that, and took it another direction.  I'd say I won't spoil the movie, but if you seen the original and cut out the Mars bits you've seen this one. The only mutant is the 3 breasted prostitute and to be honest they flashed that so quickly I  (pardon the pun) barely caught them.
I miss Mars.  Richard Hoagland you told us there'd be Mars in this new one....  Did I mention no Mars? Arnold your legacy is safe, even if your tenure as Governor sucked.  At least this movie was well edited, which is more than I can say for John Carter.
The movie ends with a billboard in the background that says "Total Recall 2012"......hmmmmmmmmmmmm.  We can only hope.
I give this movie 3 out of 5 chrysanthemums.  ۞۞۞۞۞
