
Fulford repost: "Bush the boogey man plays the HAARP as Halloween approaches "

Below is the repost of the last news update by Benjamin Fulford via the blog post of American Kabuki.

Bush the boogey man plays the HAARP as Halloween approaches

Bush the boogey man plays the HAARP as Halloween approaches

Posted by Benjamin Fulford
October 29, 2012

High level pentagon sources contacted the White Dragon Society this week to warn that the massive storm hitting the US North-East this week was a HAARP attack by the Nazi faction of the Western oligarchy. At the same time, the deep-sea drilling ship Chikyu has been spotted off the coast of Aichi Prefecture near the Nagoya headquarters of Toyota Motors. Nazi representative Richard Armitage and US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian affairs are in Tokyo now warning a massive new earthquake attack on Japan will take place as soon as they leave, unless they get their way, according to Japanese security police affiliated with the WDS.

Lord James Sassoon has also been making astronomical bribe offers to a variety of Japanese politicians, right-wing power brokers and gangsters as he tries to keep the Sassoon Asian empire afloat.

A top source at the Bank for International Settlements also contacted {the} WDS with a combination threat/bribe.

A group of young Chinese generals and industrialists too have come forward with offers of heavy support during the past week.

All of these moves are signs of intensified power-jockeying in the run-up to planned government changes this fall in the US, China, South Korea, Japan and elsewhere.

(Please support the WDS by subscribing or, if you cannot afford to, get yourself on the free e-mailing list, thank you)

The Nazis under Bush are insisting that their man Romney be put in power during the November 6 (not 8 as erroneously reported by this newsletter on previous occasions) “election” or else they will wreak steadily intensifying havoc. Other threats believed to be connected to the Nazis include a warning to hit Geneva with a tsunami caused by a landslide, and to hit the US West coast with a mega-earthquake.

They have targeted the North East of the US with a storm as a show of power and as a sign of their opposition to the Eastern establishment and their man Obama, the Pentagon source says.

Of course neither Obama nor Romney has more than 15% support in the real world (as opposed to the Stalinist “polls”), making it a perfect time for an independent candidate like Ron Paul to kick both bums out.

Some of the Nazi demands were hand-delivered to this writer in a letter written by a person believed to have been close to post-war Nazi Fuehrer Admiral Canaris. The main demand of the letter is to allow the free energy technology to be released to the people of the planet.

Free energy, if used for constructive purposes, would allow for an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity for the planet, and the WDS has always supported it. The problem is in that years of research on this subject, nobody has been able to show this writer personally an actual working free-energy device. If the Nazis have free energy technology they should just go ahead and release it.

Of course the existing energy industry accounts for a huge percentage (some estimate as high as 70%) of global economic activity and a smooth transition to the new technology (if it really exists) is recommended to prevent chaos and major possible social disruption.

The BIS source, for his part, said the Western elite still wanted a World War in order to rid the world of two-thirds of its population prior to setting up a world government according to a 1973 Club of Rome plan.


The map in the link above shows the end game of the BIS led group, this source said. The titular head of the BIS is Ben Bernanke. This BIS source also said the US Federal Reserve Board was already being shut down and that all its powers and staff were being transferred to the US Treasury Department. There was also a hint that vast funds would start to flow towards the WDS if it went along with the program.

Of course since the US is no longer a democracy, transferring Fed powers to the Treasury at this point is a bit like changing the titles on the name cards but leaving the usual suspects in charge.

The Asian power brokers who approached the WDS representative in Indonesia last week were more of the mind to replace the entire top management of the planet and bring in new blood with new ideas.

Certainly a lot of us wonder why a bunch of 80 and 90 year olds who seem to have secret access to life prolonging medicine (denied to the rest of us), should be allowed to remain in charge.

The general impression from the flurry of contacts and threats last week is that there are now three main factions battling for control of the future of this planet. One is the committee of 300 with the Pope and Queen Elizabeth pushing for Obama, the other is the Nazis under Bush et al pushing for Romney, and the third is us peasants who just want these murderous power games to be replaced with love and friendship.

We also need to remember that this week is Halloween. Halloween has traditionally been the time, when the harvest is just in, when the poor go to the rich and ask for their fair share so that they can survive the winter. If the 99% do not get their “treat,” you can be sure they will follow with a “trick.”

If the elite try to again use mass murder and terror to control the poor, they and their extended families will be systematically hunted down and slaughtered. The average person does everything possible to avoid violent confrontation but when you try to kill their families and loved ones, their righteous fury is unstoppable.

The general understanding of the WDS and its allies, though, is that we have a clear choice between a win-win solution for everybody and a lose-lose solution for everybody. War and terror is a two-way street, so is love and friendship.



Kauilapele repost: "Benjamin Fulford Update 10-22-12"

This is a repost of a Fulford repost made by Kauilapele.

Benjamin Fulford Update 10-22-12

All I can say about this one is “use Higher Discernment”. Much of this has to do with the “international soap opera”, and Ben gives often “very alternative” information about events. I can assure all, that there is a lot we are not aware of. Whether all of what Ben reports here is accurate, I would say, time and the Light will tell.
I do not align with Ben’s apparent view that “Obama is a puppet of the Rothschilds and that’s all he is”. Obama is here for a much broader purpose, and I can guarantee that it is not simply to “do the Cabal’s bidding.” As a recent post by Steve Beckow reminds us, “President Obama is the political leader here to lead us into the New Age fast approaching.” That’s what I support.
[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at benjaminfulford@gmail.com (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]
  • …it is no coincidence that both the US and China will be selecting a new government on November 8th [Nov. 6 in U.S.] and there is a lot of plotting and speculation going on beneath the surface as that date approaches.
  • In Europe as well, there are signs of a fundamental struggle reaching a climax…
  • There is a deliberate fog of disinformation surrounding this death [Libya Ambassador Stevens] but what is clear from public statements is that the Obama faction failed to protect him and the Bush faction are furious about this fact.
  • Plenty of insiders have forwarded information showing links between Romney’s Bain capital and drug money laundering, making it clear Romney is the Nazi candidate.
  • In Europe as well, the signs of a major split between two powerful factions are everywhere to be seen… the struggle is taking place at the highest levels of power.
  • …the Atlantic nations as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for 30 years and will not be allowed to print their way out of that accumulated external debt. The solution cannot be made by North America and Europe without the agreement of their external creditors, especially in Asia.
  • …the incoming new Chinese… regime will focus on increasing Chinese soft power and pushing for the right to allow Chinese companies to make major investments and acquisitions in Europe, the US and Japan.
  • Such Chinese investments should be welcomed so long as they benefit the people and governments of the host country involved.
  • In Japan meanwhile, there are also many plans for fundamental change.
  • The new international economic planning agency is expected to be one of the center-pieces of the shift. Such an agency would help solve various nationalistic and historical problems by providing a neutral ground for elite government officials to make plans for the planet as a whole and not just their particular region.
  • …the Chinese, the pentagon, the Japanese government and other groups all support the creation of [this new international economic planning agency]
  • We can also report that Neil Keenan is now in Asia working with the Dragon family on setting up the new international financial system.
Will there be a coup d’etat in the US during the next couple of weeks?
by Benjamin Fulford 10-22-12
The people in charge at the US agencies and military know the presidential election scheduled for November 8th [Kp note: U.S. elections take place on Nov. 6] will be a fraud and a sham no matter what the outcome. That is why many reliable sources are saying US militias and reserve troops were put on alert last week. They have either started to mobilize either to pre-empt the elections and put the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of an interim government or to get ready to act in anticipation of post-election violence and chaos, depending on who you talk to.
In any case, it is no coincidence that both the US and China will be selecting a new government on November 8th [Nov. 6 in U.S.] and there is a lot of plotting and speculation going on beneath the surface as that date approaches.
In Europe as well, there are signs of a fundamental struggle reaching a climax as the IMF and certain governments face off against the bankers over control of the process of money creation.
A lot of shadowy organizations have also now informed the White Dragon Society that, should they stand in the way, certain prominent individuals around the world are scheduled to die of stroke, heart attack, cancer or bullet wound over the coming weeks.
The murder of CIA “ambassador” Stevens in Libya, was a part of the ongoing battle. According to the gnostic illuminati, Stevens was murdered because of his role in smuggling the nuclear weapon into Japan that was used in the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack…

…It is true that there is a resemblance between the Stevens who was implicated in the nuclear attack on Japan and the one killed in Libya. However, the Stevens in Asia was supposed to be a British SAS trained former senior Hong Kong police official while the Stevens in Libya was CIA.
There is a deliberate fog of disinformation surrounding this death but what is clear from public statements is that the Obama faction failed to protect him and the Bush faction are furious about this fact. It is also well known that there was no US embassy in Benghazi and that Stevens was involved in some sort of violence related clandestine work.
This is also linked to the upcoming US “presidential election” farce. Plenty of insiders have forwarded information showing links between Romney’s Bain capital and drug money laundering, making it clear Romney is the Nazi candidate. On the other hand Obama is seen by many right wingers as the foreign born Muslim communist candidate. As mentioned before the Queen and the Pope have been funneling billions to Obama while the Bush folk finance Romney.
In either case, there is expected to be widespread violence and rioting if either Romney or Obama win.
The obvious answer to most intelligent observers is that neither of the two gangster front men should be put in charge of a United States government that desperately needs its biggest overhaul since 1776.
The next few weeks should show if the US military and agencies are staffed with men or mice.
In Europe as well, the signs of a major split between two powerful factions are everywhere to be seen. When even establishment worthies like UK Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard start writing about IMF plans to eliminate debt and dethrone bankers,
you know the struggle is taking place at the highest levels of power.
However, the Atlantic-centered debate between the people who want governments to print money and use that to eliminate all public and private debt, and those who say people must pay what they can to the bankers forever, forgets that the rest of the world is also involved.
In other words, plans like the Wanta-Mitterand protocols that call for the creation of trillions of dollars of government-controlled money forget that the Atlantic nations as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for 30 years and will not be allowed to print their way out of that accumulated external debt. The solution cannot be made by North America and Europe without the agreement of their external creditors, especially in Asia.
The Chinese, for example, are being asked to buy US external debt and finance US consumer lifestyles but are being prevented from making job-creating direct investment in the US. This is not a realistic long term scenario.
The fact remains the Southern European nations need to abandon the Euro and the United States needs to issue a government greenback separate from the international US dollar. That is the economic reality.
Meanwhile, more information has emerged during the past week about the incoming new Chinese government’s plans. Essentially, the new regime will focus on increasing Chinese soft power and pushing for the right to allow Chinese companies to make major investments and acquisitions in Europe, the US and Japan.
In Japan the plan is to buy an ailing major company that is listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and revitalize it as a way of getting a say inside the board-rooms of Japan Inc. If such a buyout attempt is rebuffed, the Chinese will retaliate against Japanese companies operating in China, according to a Chinese government agent.
It is likely that a similar approach will be made towards Europe and the US. In other words, the Chinese want to buy real things that exist in the real world and will not buy paper, government or otherwise.
The Chinese will continue to have a policy of strongly fighting any attempts at bullying while simultaneously offering win-win alternatives. Such Chinese investments should be welcomed so long as they benefit the people and governments of the host country involved.
The long term case studies for cooperation they are holding up as examples for others to follow are Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vancouver and (to a lesser extent) Japan.
In Japan meanwhile, there are also many plans for fundamental change. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan is expected to lose most of its seats in the yet to be scheduled but soon promised general election. The Liberal Democratic Party is expected to get a big boost but fall short of a majority. That is expected to leave the new Japan Restoration Party as the king maker in a coalition government with a big reform mandate.
The Japanese underworld, for their part, are promising that any members of the old regime who try to block the reforms will begin to “suffer from strokes and heart attacks.”
The Japanese Imperial Household is planning to move to Kyoto as a part of a shift of some government functions to the Kansai area in Japan once the Atlantic power struggles settle down.
The new international economic planning agency is expected to be one of the center-pieces of the shift. Such an agency would help solve various nationalistic and historical problems by providing a neutral ground for elite government officials to make plans for the planet as a whole and not just their particular region.
It can also now be reported that the Chinese, the pentagon, the Japanese government and other groups all support the creation of the new international economic planning agency. Such an agency would work in harmony with existing international organizations.
We can also report that Neil Keenan is now in Asia working with the Dragon family on setting up the new international financial system.
[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.
Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:
benjaminfulford@hotmail.com, benjaminfulford@gmail.com, postmaster@benjaminfulford.com, benjaminoffice88@gmail.com]



Vigilant Citizen repost: "Jimmy Savile: A Prime Example of an Entertainment Industry Abuser Protected by the Elite "

Below is a repost of a post that has been recently written by Vigilant Citizen.

Why did the Queen knight Jimmy So Vile? It is probably because she herself has been performing ritual abuses and sacrifices even on a larger scale...

Jimmy Savile: A Prime Example of an Entertainment Industry Abuser Protected by the Elite

Jimmy Savile is considered to be a British TV icon who hosted popular shows like Jim’ll Fix It and Top of the Pops. His decades of presence in pop culture has led him to obtain an incredible amount of “elite” recognition such as Officer of the Order of the British Empire, Cross of Merit of the Order and Freeman of the Borough of Scarborough. He was also knighted by the Queen herself (God save her) “for charitable services” and obtained Papal knighthood from Jean-Paul II, making him a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great.
But now, over a year after his death, the disgusting, ugly truth about this disgusting ugly character is being revealed by British newspapers: He sexually abused a great number of children and adults during his career, terrifying, manipulating and traumatizing them, while enjoying total immunity. Now that the cat’s out of the box, many startling allegations are surfacing: Savile apparently abused young girls in the backstage of his show Top of the Pops; one of his victims was a young as nine years old; he was given a room at a hospital for the criminally insane where he abused patients and his trips to children’s hospitals for charities were used as a chance to abuse sick children.
The worst fact about this story is that Savile’s “tendencies” were well known by the police and by the BBC (his employer, which is, by the way, funded by British taxpayers) for years but nothing was ever done to stop him. Quite to the contrary, while Savile was aggressively preying on children, the BBC covered up his crimes while the police took bribes and ignored him.
People used to call him “Sir” Jimmy Savile because the Queen knighted him. While those that honored him might now claim that they’re “shocked” to learn about Savile’s actions, I have a feeling that all of this information was known as he was part of a larger system practicing ritual abuse.
How can such a man enjoy so much immunity and protection? And why did he obtain all of these impressive “titles”? The answer is simple yet awful: He was part of the establishment. He had friends within the elite. He was part of its perverse entertainment industry that is filled with manipulative pedophiles such as himself. He was part of this clique that is above the law. Is it surprising that all of these allegation only surfaced y after his death? No, his “friends” protected him while he was alive and he has never suffered any consequences for his actions.
How many other Jimmy Saviles are there in the entertainment industry? Insiders will tell you that it is literally crawling with them. And it goes a lot further than abuse at the backstage of a show. It is an organized system complete with mind controlled slaves, trained handlers and high level officials. Here’s an article on Jimmy So Vile…I mean Jimmy Savile.

The BBC Is Being Shaken To Its Core By An Enormous Sex Abuse Scandal

What’s happening right now in the U.K. can probably be compared to the scandal that engulfed Penn State and Jerry Sandusky earlier this year.If anything, however, it’s even bigger.
The BBC has just announced that it will be holding two internal investigations into widespread allegations of sexual abuse by the late television star Sir Jimmy Savile.
Savile was one of the U.K.’s most famous and long-running television hosts, presenting the weekly music show “Top of the Pops” for 20 years, and later his own show, “Jim Will Fix It,” where he helped children achieve their dreams. He was well-known for his charity work — one obituary estimated he had raised over £40 million ($64 million) for charity, and given away as much as 90 percent of his own considerable wealth.
Savile died last year at the age of 84 after almost five decades of fame, but it was only this month that allegations hit the press that he sexually abused both children and adults during the peak of his fame. British police now say that they have over 340 leads, with 12 allegations officially recorded, and that number is expected to grow.
Some of the new allegations are incredible — that Savile was given a room at a hospital for the criminally insane where he abused patients and that his trips to children’s hospitals for charities were used as a chance to abuse sick children, for example.
Savile had long been known for his extremely unorthodox behavior, but most had cast off accusations of child abuse as simply Savile being “eccentric.” British police had reportedly investigated Savile several times during his lifetime but never found enough evidence to charge him.
For the BBC, it’s a disaster on a huge scale.
For one thing, the scandal came to light this year due to a documentary shown on rival TV channel ITV, which reported that at least 10 women said they had been molested by Savile — with some of the assaults taking place in BBC buildings. It later emerged that the BBC’s own investigative news program, Newsnight, had been investigating allegations of abuse by Saville the previous year, but the show was cancelled, reportedly due to not meeting the editorial standards of the BBC. Many believe that Savile’s association with the BBC led to institutional pressure to drop the story, despite denials from the show’s producers.
Other reports support the idea of a cover-up. One former BBC producer has told UK newspaper The Sun that he had walked in on Savile abusing a girl who looked “very, very young” in the 1970s. When he told his superiors about the incident he claimed he was shrugged off. “Everyone knew what was going on. That includes senior BBC people — chiefs at the highest levels.”
The scandal isn’t limited to Savile either, and has prompted a wider look at the sexual culture of the organization in the 1960s and ’70s. John Peel, a late radio DJ for the BBC who is one of the most revered people in British music history, has been posthumously accused of getting a 14 year old girl pregnant in the late 1960s. Peel is now being investigated, The Guardian reports. If the allegation is found true, the BBC says it will reconsider plans to name a building after Peel.
Of course, the fact that Savile and Peel are now dead means they will not be able to defend themselves in court, or the press. For Savile, in particular, his legacy is destroyed. Even Savile’s elaborate tombstone, only recently laid to rest on his grave, has been destroyed at the request of his family. He now lies in an unmarked grave.
- Source: Business Insider
Here’s another interesting article from the Telegraph you might want to read that is entitled How Jimmy Savile, master manipulator, evaded exposure as a paedophileWhile media sources are devilizing this man, singling him out as a crazy old pervert, we must not forget that he was part of and protected by an entire system. While he is dead and gone, many others still remain.



Fulford repost: "– The Oligarchs Of The West Keep Churning Their Wheels But Only Manage To Get Deeper Into The Mud – 15 October 2012"

This is repost of the latest blog post in English by Benjamin Fulford, taken from here.

Benjamin Fulford – The Full Update – The Oligarchs Of The West Keep Churning Their Wheels But Only Manage To Get Deeper Into The Mud – 15 October 2012

Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB (World Bankrupt) and IMF (International Masturbation Fund) meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.
The meeting was a total waste of time because neither of these two Western controlled institutions are willing to hand over control to the people and countries of the world. As a result, the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.
Although this writer was in Tokyo and even walked within a few hundred yards of the festivities, he did not bother to go because having attended many such meetings over the years, he knew this one was doomed to be a dud. The Chinese made their feelings clear by not sending anybody senior.
As usual, the real news was happening under the surface where a titanic battle against the old world order continues to rage. In one development in that battle, at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to
Lord James Sassoon via Societe Generale and HSBC, according to Japanese security police sources. At the time of this writing Sassoon has not responded to a call made to get his comment on these allegations.
However, it is clear that attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years, forcing the robbers to look further down the food chain towards the pension funds of medium and small enterprises.
In any case, the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued, major secret influence in Japan and Asia. It also likely that some of the recently stolen money was given to certain Yakuza gangs (who will remain nameless for now) to finance certain political maneuvers.
Also, given the Societe Generale/HSBC link one wonders if this is the funding for the Japan side of the attempt to get the Japanese and Chinese people to declare war on each other. Both Lord Sassoon and Mr. Cohen of the Hoche Group (who has been paying Chinese anti-Japanese protestors) need to cease and desist immediately or else face eventual jail time.
There has also been a new development in the investigation of the attempted murder of this writer that took place in June of this year. According to the Swiss authorities, the murderers have been traced to the following Los Angeles phone number: 3236535194. The number might have been changed by now but you can be sure these people are being traced and hunted down.
There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.
The Japanese tax authorities have just been through 7 years of this writer’s tax returns with a magnifying glass and have determined that my income derives purely from journalism and no organized violent organization; police, criminal or otherwise, has been funding my operations.
For the sake of clarity and to blow away the clouds of disinformation being put out, let me repeat the reasons for my involvement in secret groups like the Red and Blue and the White Dragon.
This writer, after 20-years as a mainstream corporate journalist based in Tokyo, was put on a hit list after he started writing about 911 and the bio-weapon SARS. There was even a novel (Rain Fall, by Barry Eisler) written in which a character based on this writer was assassinated
in what was probably a crude warning.
The fact is, the murder attempts began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection. At the same time I was invited to join the cabal and offered billions of dollars and great power as long as he went along with their depopulation plans.
After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott. This is why the “Ninja’s” never showed up as threatened be me. Instead, this slow cutting off of the financial circulation they engineered was the ultimate trigger of the ongoing US and European “financial crises.”
The Red and Blue leaders also asked this writer to make contact with any Western secret societies that like them could only be used for the greater good. This writer then started using the Black Dragon Society name in order to contact old allies in Japan of the Red and Blue. After some convincing, the Black Dragon also supported the plan to end Western cabal rule.
At around this time all sorts of people and organizations popped out of the woodwork and contacted this writer including: the CIA, the gnostic illuminati, MI6, Japanese military intelligence, various yakuza gangs, FSB, Scottish Rite Freemasons, French Freemasons, P2 lodge Italian Freemasons, etc. etc. Being in contact with these groups is not the same and being a member or of being in agreement with them.
In the end, it turned out there was a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun or Hakuryu (白龍) that had both Deng Xiaoping and Chiang Kai-Sheck as members. This group was contacted via a Chinese noodle shop and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.
Thus, whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society. The consensus is to start OSC.
www.benjaminfulford.net link to original article



Cobra repost: The Masterplan

This is a repost of the latest post by Cobra.
Experience especially in the last few months shows that human nature is very susceptible to Archons' physical and non-physical influence.
Archons succeeded in fragmenting the liberation movement. Surface positive groups were infiltrated and corrupted, those that remained pure were ridiculed and attacked.  Any ideas from you about  how to reduce the fragmentation of positive groups and achieve more unity among them before the Event would be most welcome. 
Also, there were many supposedly positive individuals and groups fighting for their control over the collateral accounts. It appeared that greed took over the motivation to bring that money back to humanity. 
I have received intel from a very credible source that Keenan is not the trustee for the collateral accounts. The real trustee's identity must remain hidden for now so that he can work for the benefit of humanity uninterrupted. There are a few positive groups working for the same goal of returning the funds back to humanity but you will not find intel about them anywhere on the net. They will not announce anything. When they are successful, things will just start happening. 
All above mentioned factors were the cause of delays that frustrated many. Therefore the original Plan was expanded and will be presented here.
The first part of the Masterplan pertains to the breakthrough of Light on the non-physical planes. The Light forces use advanced vortex technology for clearing the non-physical planes. All those vortexes create a network of Light that gets stronger and stronger day by day. At a certain point a critical mass of Light will be reached and it will result in a massive arrival of the Light forces on the mental, astral and etheric non-physical planes inside the thin layer that surrounds the surface of planet Earth and now still contains a few Archons and their many reptilian minions with their negative technologies. That breakthrough will remove all remaining darkness from non-physical planes.
This is a crucial step and must happen before the Event. Otherwise the Archons and their reptilian minions would exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of humanity and this could easily lead to widespread wars and violence. Human masses are very open to regressing to violence under stress combined with Archon physical and non-physical influence, as experience with Nazi Germany and Rwanda genocide clearly shows. Under Archon influence, humans are also quick to accuse and attack and this could easily lead to witch hunts and mobs lynching people that are not to their liking. Anybody could be attacked and labeled as »cabal collaborator« or anything similar. Such things need to be prevented and therefore the Event will NOT happen before the non-physical planes are taken care of.

The second part of the Masterplan pertains to the physical part of the Event itself. Since most surface positive groups are now fragmented, they will not take part in the Event as groups. The Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement as two main non-surface positive groups will implement what is called Fluid Group Masterplan Management. First, impulse will come from the Source that the time is right for the Event to start. The Pleiadians and other positive ET races have complete overview of every human being, their thoughts and motivations and they will easily determine who can be a part of the initial fluid physical group that will trigger the Event. They will forward that intel to the Resistance Movement. 
Resistance's surface operatives will then contact key people of that fluid surface group. Some of those key people are in positions inside Russian, Chinese and US military. Those key people will be contacted in person or over the phone and will be offered a simple choice. They will be invited to be part of the Event operations. They will either accept or decline according to their free will decision. They will be given a few minutes to make that choice. If they accept, they will receive further instructions who to contact and what to do. If they decline, they will not be contacted anymore. Those people that will be then contacted directly from the key group will make their own decisions and so the fluid group will spring into action. This whole process will be very fast and it will be a surprise for the Cabal. There will most likely be no advance »Green Light« notifications over the internet because the surprise element would then be lost.
As the Event operations will progress, the Pleiadians and other ET races will have complete overview over strengths and weaknesses of every human being that will be part of the operations. According to this, they will give constant real time intel updates to the Resistance about how to shift the roles and positions of people in the fluid group. People making crucial mistakes will have to leave the group and will lose access to operations intel and other people will be accepted. Thus this fluid group will be protected from Cabal infiltration and also from negative aspects of human nature. Resistance operatives will not be directly involved in operations themselves but will only assist with intel and instructions. This whole operation needs to be coordinated by beings wiser than surface humanity to be successful. 
After the Event, human masses will receive psychological help and spiritual healing to be disinfected from Archon virus. Archon virus was maintained among human masses by passing the trauma-induced mind control from generation to generation. When this will be removed, human beings will discover that violence is ugly, does NOT solve anything and is not inherently part of the human nature. 
One of the key factors that was maintaining control of the dark forces was that people were taught not to support each other. One of the first lessons humanity needs to learn is the lesson of support. People will start utilizing their free will and will choose love. They will receive massive assistance from the Light forces to learn again how to love each other.  
No revenge against the Cabal will be tolerated. Every member of the former Cabal will have the right to fair trial and those willing to confess and cooperate might be able to integrate into the society.  The Event is not about revenge, it is about stopping ALL violence on this planet by removing the Cabal from power. 
Because of all human factor induced delays, only the first part of Plan 2012 (the Event) may happen in 2012. The rest of the plan (Restructuring and First Contact) will happen later. 


Repost of Cobra: "Day of decision 10-21-2012"

This is a repost of the latest blog post by Cobra on Portal 2012.
I have a question. Is Cobra related to Anonymous in any way?


It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on the Day of Decision at the beginning of the second Window of Opportunity:

Masses will gather and make a decision for the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of all dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. 
The critical mass for this activation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration skills  are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass. 
But to read about it is one thing and actually do the decision itself is completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world. 
The Cabal has understood the power of free will and decisions well. They were using their free will to make negative decisions for humanity. This is how they were able to keep us under control for so long. 
Now humanity needs to take its power back. We need to utilize our own free will and make positive decisions for ourselves. When the critical mass of people does that, change will come. 

We will all be doing this activation at the same time on October 21st/22nd. Exact times for different time zones are:
3:30 pm HAST October 21st (Hawaii)
5:30 pm AKDT October 21st (Alaska)
6:30 pm PDT October 21st (Los Angeles)
7:30 pm MDT October 21st (Denver)
8:30 pm CDT October 21st (Houston)
9:30 pm EDT October 21st (New York)
10:30 pm BRT October 21st  (Rio de Janeiro)
2:30 am BST  October 22nd (London)
3:30 am CEST October 22nd (Paris)
3:30 am SAST October 22nd (South Africa)
4:30 am EEST October  22nd (Bulgaria)
5:30 am MSK October 22nd (Moscow)
7:00 am IST October  22nd (India)
9:30 am CST October  22nd (Beijing)
10:30 am JST October  22nd (Tokyo)
11:30 am AEST October  22nd (Sydney) 
If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here:
1.  Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then make an unconditonal decision that our planet WILL be liberated and people WILL be set free.
3. Visualize ways how YOU can contribute to the liberation process. Discover your talents and make a decision about how you will use those talents towards our final goal of setting people and our planet free. Make a decision that you will support other people dedicated to this process so that we are stronger together. 
After the Day of Decision you will have many opportunities to implement your decision in your daily life. You will be guided by your inner voice how to do that. Know that your dedication will be tested in real life. Some outer circumstances or non-physical negative entities might try to make you change your mind. The key here is simply to stick to your decision regardless of the external circumstances. Each person making a positive decision towards the planetary liberation will make a valuable contribution towards the Victory of the Light.
Disclaimer: the date of this activation (October 21st) is most likely NOT the date when the Event will be taking place. 
Information about the second Window of Opportunity:
Updates about the Day of Decision:



"Curiosity rover detects bright object on surface of Mars 9th October 2012"


This is a repost of a post that I recently found on AK.


Yevgeny Fyodorov

Russia to liberate the world from US occupation

A State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma, Yevgeny Fyodorov, told Pravda.Ru of his impressions from visiting the APEC summit in Vladivostok. According to him, the meeting showed that the U.S. gradually loses absolute power in the world economy and politics. The power and influence of other countries, such as Russia and China, grows against such a background.

State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma Yevgeny Fyodorov:
"APEC is a very interesting and important event, although it seems to be an ordinary one. The leaders get together and discuss important issues, but in reality it is the key event in today's global scenario. With the onset of the global economic crisis,with political and economic turbulence, the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.

It is clear that it is not a split - everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy. I was there and saw how angry Mrs. Hillary Clinton was when she came from China, where several Chinese leaders - especially those who are to become top officials of China next year - did not even want to meet her. In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator's functions in resolving China's territorial disputes with Asian countries.

She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate. It is an annual requirement of the United States to China to set the yuan rate for political reasons to pump resources and opportunities from China to the U.S. It is an additional form of tribute from China, which China had to deal with every year for political motives. Nowadays, the U.S. was refused. The world is changing."
Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly expressed his attitude to the dollar as the world reserve currency. In fact, he offered the countries of the world to start building a large number of regional currencies as an alternative to the reserve system of the dollar. This is a strong step and a strong move, including the initiative to switch to mutual payments. He also said that Russia and China had already switched to the system and he urged other countries to follow the example. This shows that the world begins to change fundamentally, and Russia's role at this point is to become the leader in changing the world. I would say that Putin as the leader of the national liberation movement in Russia, demonstrated himself at the event as a leader and provider of ideas for the world national liberation movement against the system of occupation, which was formed after 1991 not only about Russia but also China and many other countries.

From this point of view, it is the key and turning meeting of the leaders of world's largest economies, which creates conditions to reformat the entire economic system of the world - moving away from the U.S. Do not forget that the U.S. consumes a half the world's GDP, despite the fact that there is only 4.5 percent of the population living there. In other words, they eat ten times as much as compared to the citizens of all other countries. And they eat at the expense of China, Russia, India, Brazil - all other countries.

Today, the world begins to unite against the colonizer - USA. For the time being, it is a conceptual and preparatory process, but it takes place. In this regard, I would call the preliminary results of the meeting in the Far East the meeting of the future members of the world national liberation movement to free the world from the U.S. occupation.

Elizaveta Lavrentieva

