
About the highly possible geological event around the 20th of May 2012 PST...

Tolec, from the Andromeda Council told us a few days ago in the notice entitled 05.17.12 re: "Cosmic Event" that a geological event will occur within a few days, many miles away from the western coasts of Unites States in the Pacific ocean. He alerted us on the 17th of May which implies that it will happen around the 20th of May. As you know the 20th of May is the day of the annular eclipse...
That geological event consists of the popping of an undersea volcano with subsequent earthquakes. Although it seems that the material damage will be negligible and the there won't be any physical damage, I think it is better to be more vigilant on that day, especially for those that live on the West coast of United States. In Japan, we might also have some subsequent tsunamis.

It seems that this event aims at destroying the last reptilian undersea base. And this is what is extraordinary because there is apparently no intervention of benevolent extraterrestrials. It is a purely natural process decided by Gaia. My interpretation of that is that Gaia is an intelligence being that heard our voices on the 5th of May, Liberation day, when hundreds of thousands of souls started to visualize the mass arrests and other positive events for planet Earth. I was one of them.

Mother Earth knows now that there are enough Lightworkers willing to protect her by vibrating together in resonance at high frequencies. Therefore she decided to take care of the last reptilian base on her own to protect us. The benevolent ETs/EDs may support her action in a way or another but another independent source says that they would not be allowed to intervene directly. This is according to the channeling of Mark Kimmel. It seems that Mark is able to communicate telepathically with Bren-Ton, member of the mothership Athabantian. You can find the channeling in his last blog post entitled Caution.
Mark Kimmel also talks about the upcoming geological event around the 20th of May.

Tolec adds something interesting.  He says that we are highly likely to see a "very large energy ball, a lighted sphere, which many people call an orb" once the base is completely destroyed. It would be regarded as a marker, as a sign that Gaia has got rid of the last negative physical entities on Earth and that we can now enter a new age, the age of Light and Unity Consciousness.

I live in Japan and 311 was a shock for me, a psychological shock. A lot of physical and negative damage was done unfortunately but the good point from my perspective was that it shifted my consciousness to another level.
I have been thinking for a while that Humanity needed another 311 or 911 but this time a positive one, with no physical damage and very little material damage, if any.
This could be that cosmic event.
That blue ball of energy will show to the people of Planet Earth that Gaia is an intelligent being.
If the event really happens it will also show that the Galactics (benevolent ETs/EDs) are real and Gaia is being monitored, otherwise Tolec and Mark Kimmel would not have been able to get the information prior to the event.

At that stage you would say that it is pure speculation but my third eye (6th sense) says to me that it is very close to Truth.
I cannot wait for what will happen tomorrow.
Of course if nothing happens, I would need to seriously rethink the credibility of my sources as well as my understanding of the physical and non-physical realities.

But in any case, we can at least take advantage of the astronomical configuration by accepting that loving, intelligent, conscious energy coming from the core of the Galaxy to meditate and produce positive images of the world we want to live in.
With so much energy coming from the alignment of Earth, Moon, Sun and the Pleiades, the 20th of May 2012 represents at least a window of opportunity to resource ourselves and change our habits and start shifting to higher realms of consciousness.

And do not forget the crop circles. According to that post, three stargates have opened recently: Antares on May 5th (congruent with Liberation Day), Alnilam on May 16-18th, Indian Ocean on Planet Earth on May 20-22nd (congruent with the annular eclipse).
So we see, on planet Earth, the opening of a gate to a new world... Let us not miss that opportunity.

Another set of crop circles, as described in this Japanese article seems to tell us that the date of May 20th corresponds to a reboot, or birth of a new era. It also seems to tell us that we should pay attention at the period between May 20th and June 5th when planet Venus does her transit in front of the Sun...

Again. There is a huge window of opportunity tomorrow, beginning from May 20th till the 5th of June to reboot the grid of Love and Light on Gaia. The Milky Way, the Solar System and Planet Earth are going to bombard us with positive light energy. Let us refill ourselves with loving Light by taking that energy and sharing it with others by meditating and visualizing the things we wish for that planet: stopping environmental destruction, stopping poverty, mass arrests of the conspirators, disclosure of the whole Truth including the true history of Mankind, the presence of benevolent ETs/EDs around us, the manipulation of Mankind by malevolent ETs/EDs from a long ago, the introduction of a new temporary financial system and other positive events to put us on our way to Ascension to 4D which would begin actually on the 1st of January in 2014 according to Tolec.

For those that make the choice to meditate on the 20th, below is a guided visualization for the reboot of the Grid made by Cobra from Portal2012.


1 件のコメント:

  1. PST: Pacific Time Zone
    There is a +16 hours difference with JST, Japanese Standard Time.
